Talk Time: Why is gratitude important and how to practice it


Talk Time: Why is gratitude important and how to practice it

Gratitude is something that we need to practice daily. It’s important to take a moment each day to remember the things and people you have to be grateful for. The video above guides you through a simple exercise to do this.

This exercise helps you develop an attitude of gratitude as well as gain the calming benefits of deep breathing. As you breath in and out slowly, you are encouraged to think about one thing you are grateful for.

We can get so caught up in living that we forget to breathe and we forget to be grateful. By doing this exercise regularly, you are doing both. You are slowing down and taking a moment to simply be grateful. The best part is it doesn’t take long to do. The more you do it, the more you will notice that gratitude will become a lifestyle. You won’t have to think so hard about what you are grateful for. Even on those dark days you will be able to find at least one thing you are grateful for.

Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Hold it for five seconds. And as you breathe out think of one thing you are grateful for.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Be grateful



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