Talk Time: Reasons to be proud of yourself


Talk Time: Reasons to be proud of yourself


In this video, I go into detail about why it is important to be proud of yourself and acknowledge your achievements.

I also discuss an exercise you can do today if you are struggling to feel proud of yourself

Get a piece of paper and write down five things that make you feel proud of yourself. They can be big or little achievements. They can even be things you like about your personality.


I am proud of myself for doing my therapy

I am proud of myself for being there for my friends

I am proud of myself to studying

I am proud of myself for working out

I am proud of myself for making someone laugh

The point of the exercise is to get in the habit of acknowledging your efforts. Things that are a challenge for you, but you manage to do anyway, need to recognized. The more you take note of your little achievements. The more motivated you are to work towards the big things.

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