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8ty (pronouced infinity) combines beautiful cinemantography, uplifting music, and inspiring thoughts to help those suffering from chronic illnesses/pain. Some may find escape through the aesthically stunning images, others may gain the motivation to tackle the dreams despite their ailments from my motivational speeches and blogposts. As someone who suffers from my own physical challenges I know that coping is not always easy. That is why I created this website to remind people to stay strong. YOU ARE LIMITLESS!
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Check out my recent posts!
How I overcame my fear of change and changed my life
If you have a fear of change you need to listen to the audio below;[…]
Enjoy Being Alive
Hello! I hope you are doing well. Today’s post is all about enjoying the[…]
Just Breathe
Breathe in. Breathe out. It happens so naturally. We do it without thinking about it.[…]